
Hello Everyone!!!

A big welcome to my blog. I am a self confessed foodie,but my real passion lies in discovering and creating new recipes, cooking tips and ideas to make food taste better.

Homemade Green Pea Soup Recipe

Homemade Green Pea Soup Recipe


  • 750 gms matar (green peas) frozen or fresh

  • 2 medium size onions chopped finely

  • 15-20 mint leaves

  • 1/2 tbsp chopped garlic

  • 1 small green chilli (optional)

  • 1/2 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 tsp pepper powder

  • salt as per taste

  • 500 ml water or vegetable stock ( approximate)


  1. Clean and wash the peas. Keep it aside.

  2. In a pan heat the oil saute the garlic for a minute then add the onions and cook till translucent. Add the green chilli, mint leaves, peas, salt, pepper and water . Cook till the peas are soft.

  3. Remove from flame and allow it to cool.

  4. In a mixer or with the help of a blender blend the peas mixture till it becomes a smooth paste.

  5. In the same pan cook the peas mixture for about 5 minutes on low flame stirring at intervals . If required water can be added.

  6. Remove in soup bowls and serve hot.

Enjoy this yummy and healthy Green Pea soup.

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