Chhaya's Food

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Homemade Gajar Ki Kanji Recipe

Ingredients :

  • 3 big black carrots ( purple carrots)

  • 1/4 tsp asefodita

  • 1 tsp pepper powder

  • 2 tbsp mustard seeds grinded

  • 1 tsp black salt

  • salt as per taste

  • 1 liter filtered water


  1. . In a bowl take one liter water add asefodita, pepper, mustard powder , black salt and salt mix well and store in a glass jar or bottle covered for 3 days stirring once a day till the water ferments and becomes sour.

  2. On the third day peel the skin of the carrots , wash and cut them into one inch long thick pieces and steam till it is semi soft. When completely cooled add it to the fermented water and keep it for one more day

  3. On the fourth day the kanji will be ready to consume. Store it in the fridge. Serve chilled.

Note: If purple carrots are not available, red carrots can be used and to give the reddish colour to the water add one beetroot cut into one inch thick pieces and semi boiled.